My Breast Cancer Journal
Part 7
Breast Cancer is a disease that touches everyone lives. 1 out of 8 women get diagnosed with some form of breast cancer. I was diagnosed in January 2021. Here is my story…
Post Op Day 1 - Journal Entry 3/13/21
Hi! Good morning! Just letting you guys know that I’m feeling good! It all went as planned so now need I just need to recover before the next surgery. Which will be less complicated, yay!
Funily enough, the anesthesiologist grew up in the same neighborhood that we live in now. He did an amazing job and I don’t feel sick at all. I just ordered breakfast.
The nurses have been absolutely amazing and you know me I’ve made friends with all of them. Attaching a before and after pictures so you can see just how great I feel. And also puffing on the latest thing since juul, lol!
Will be headed home somewhere between one and three today.
Thanks for the continued love, prayers, cards and gifts! You guys have been amazing!
xx Susan
Post Op Day 2 - Journal Entry 3/14/21
Made it home to my own bed yesterday and had a good restful night. Your prayers are all working and I am grateful for each and every one! I’m trying to be patient, which is really hard for me. Laying around is not my forteit!
Any good chick flicks you can recommend to help pass the time?
Post Op Day 4 - Update From Katie 3/16/21
I spoke with Susan today who is progressing but finding it all a roller coaster – she said what a godsend the meals have been and how grateful the family is for the support they have been getting. I have extended the meal train for another week (every other day). I have been very successful pre ordering fun meals for Susan using door dash if you want to help but just don’t have the time to cook or are outside of Houston!
Our fierce fighter is fighting on!
If you are looking for a place to get a mammogram, just ask your OBGYN.
The technology these days is amazing and you will get your results almost immediately.
Please don’t delay this important act of self care. You and your loved ones deserve it!
For local ladies, below is the information on MDAnderson in the Houston Medical Center.